

선교영어훈련원 소개글

페이지 정보

작성자 elizabeth 작성일06-08-24 17:13 조회5,291회 댓글0건


                                Training In Mission Assistance

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." (Matt 28:19)

□  Aim and Purpose (목적)
    For embodying the great commission given by the Christ Jesus our Lord,   
TIMA has a full course of training program to equip the christian workers for
the world mission and cooperate with the churches in Korea that expand
the gospel of salvation to the end of the world. 
(주 예수 그리스도께서 주신 지상명령을 이루고자 세계 복음화의 비전을 안고 찾아오는
젊은이들을 선교사로 훈련하며, 구원의 복음을 땅 끝까지 전파하려는 교회와 협력한다)

□  TIMA Program
  A. Regular Courses (정규코스)
    Spring term:  March to June
    Fall term:  September to December

  B. Special Courses (특별코스)
    Winter Special English Course:  4 weeks
    Summer Special English Course:  3 weeks

  C. Short Time Service Courses (Overseas)(단기선교봉사)
    2 weeks
    1 month
    6 months
    1~3 year ministry

  D. Recruiting and Training Full Time Missionaries (장기선교사훈련)
□ Characteristics (내용 및 특징)
  ․ Lectures are experienced missionaries, international mission leaders
  and church leaders in Korea. 
  ․ English is only language
  ․ Communal life
  (국내외 선교 지도자 및 경험 있는 선교사들과 함께 영어로 공동 합숙훈련을 한다)

□  Fall Term (2006)

Training Sessions
 September 12 ~  December 22

. Morning Devotion  6:00 AM
. Breakfast          7:30
. Morning Session    9:00-14:00
  Bible Study
  How to Preach
  Cross Cultural Communication
  English  / Conversation
  Worship and Praise
. Lunch              1:00 PM
. Afternoon Session  14:30-16:30
  Activities, etc.
□ Qualification (자격 및 대상)
  Missionary candidates, Mission staff,
  Mission leaders, Potential mission force.
  (선교후보생, 선교회 행정담당자, 선교 지도자,
  선교 관심자)

□ Documents (구비서류)
  Application form (원서), Resume (이력서)
  Recommendation letter of the senior pastor
    (담임목사 추천서), Academic transcript,
    (최종학력 성적증명서 및 졸업증명서)
  ID Certificate (주민등록등본), Testmony (선교간증문), 3 Photos (사진 3매)

□ Registration and Interview (등록 및 인터뷰)
  04 ~ 09 September
  접수비: \\20,000
          신한은행 359-12-205779 유순화
          농협  014-12-416553
  훈련비: Accommodation  \\654,000 (매월)
          Commuting      \\480,000 (매월)
□ Winter Special English Course 2007
  Training Session    Jan. 16 ~ Feb. 16
  Registration & Interview    Jan. 8 ~ 13

□ Spring Term 2007
  Training Session    Mar. 6 ~ Jun. 22
  Registration & Interview  Feb. 25 ~ Mar. 3

□ Summer Special English Course 2007
Please contact with TIMA office.
Web site:  www.timakorea.com
Email:  aimtima@yahoo.co.kr
Phone:  02-2696-5490
Address: 558-1 Shinwol 6dong, Yangchongu,
          Seoul, Korea 158-841


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

누리글선교센터 | 서울시 동대문구 이문로 88-26(이문동) 2층 (우 02044) Tel. 02-968-8292 이메일: nurigeul@daum.net
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